• daynajohnson2010@hotmail.com

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Zombie wedding.

On location in Melbourne, Australia, I had so much fun doing wedding zombie make up for an awesome couple. This is for wedding favours for their guests. Such a great idea, and a fun day prancing around Melbourne as a zombie bride and groom. Thank you to Grace and Aaron for letting me be a part of their big day.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

We've got your back!

I help fundraise and collect donations for an amazing Balinese dog charity called Barc (www.balidogrefuge.com) they have inspired me to do a body paint on my friend Marissa, of her gorgeous little whippet cross poodle. A big thank you to Marissa and Betty.

Monday 10 February 2014

More blood!

I am not able to post as many pictures from my job as I'd like (contractual reasons) but here's a select few from over the past year.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Zombie nation!

On the weekend my lovely friend olive and I did a zombie army of 50+ zombies for The Hereford Courtyard's 'Spawn of the dead' zombie chase experience. Back breaking work, consistent make up for 4 hours but was a very exciting evening to be part of. Contestants were chased by zombie actors all over Hereford, including some zombie roller girls!
Pictures include head and limbs made by myself. A rare photo of me at work looking very flustered showing olive my mixing technique (photo thanks to Anthony Jenkins) and just one of many zombies.

Thursday 3 October 2013


My lack of new posts recently is due to a difficult year. I lost my beautiful dog earlier this year who I had for 13 years and then a few weeks later lost my soul mate and gorgeous best friend maddy cole. It has been devistating and difficult. Maddy has featured on this blog a number of times, she was the most amazing canvas (see tropical and the chameleon face paint) She was my inspiration and I love and respect her more than words can describe. Maddy was a massive fan and supporter of my work. This said I have a few ideas for Halloween so watch this space.
Thank you for being the best friend and canvas I could ever ask for.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Marissa Thereze's knit wear.

Once again not my usual body if work but thoroughly enjoyed working with Marissa again. Model Lily Morris coupled with Marissa's gorgeous new range only needed a very subtle and light make up. It was also great to come home from work and not be stained with blood! See my links for Marissa Thereze's blog.